Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Plan

I've been reading a lot of quotes lately, sayings and philosophies. Now I do not boast of being a philosophical teacher, but I love to share good philosophies that I have learned. Or even better, some words of wisdom that may have been endowed to me by older and I think wiser men.

Such as;
A good plan today, is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

Or this one;
Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself---nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin Roosevelt

Both of these I think deal with my overall theme to this blog site, Luck. For to be lucky you have to move. You never run out of luck unless you quite trying. If you stop. And never forget, that luck is often with the one who did not include it in their plans.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Steve Irwin the Wildlife Warrior

I just had to include a bit about one of the greatest men I have ever seen. And a real national treasure to his country Australia. He was so much more than just a great showman, his love of the animals he worked with came blazing through in everything that you saw him do. He was a great blessing to our world, and I only wish that I could have been so fortunate as to have had him refer to me personally as mate. My families and my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, and I thought it appropriate to include links to some very touching scenes of Steve, please think of him as you view them.
God bless you Terri, Bindi, Robert and his parents Big Bob, and lynn

Happiness Manifesto’

  1. Get physical (exercise)
  2. Count your blessing (express and feel gratitude)
  3. Talk-time (have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation with your partner or closest friend each week)
  4. Plant something
  5. Cut your television viewing by half
  6. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger (at least once each day)
  7. Phone a friend (make contact with a friend or relative you have not been in contact for a while and arrange to meet up)
  8. Have a good laugh at least once a day
  9. Every day make sure you give yourself a treat (take time to enjoy this) delight a sence a day, this could be taste, (your favorite food) sight (look at something beautiful) or hearing (what sound makes you tingle?)
  10. Daily kindness (do an extra good turn for someone each day)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Have you ever purchased a car, and then been amazed how many people are driving that same car? That is how your awareness works. Your luck is what you make of it. How many people do you know who won’t bother to stop and pick up a penny? On the other side, how many people grab that penny, announcing lucky penny! Yet another way was pointed out to me once. Say it takes you 2 seconds to stop and pick up a penny, if you do the math that calculates out to $18.00 an hour. And if that doesn’t work for you check out this web site http://coins.about.com/od/uscoins/tp/errorvarieties.htm here you find that a penny could be worth $35,000 or more. You may never look at loose change the same way ever again, or you may be looking a whole lot closer. What I am trying to get at is, “Look for the good luck in whatever comes to you.” I had the opportunity to watch Doctor Wayne Dyer http://www.drwaynedyer.com/ on PBS the other night, and I remember the part where he was talking about the Bible, and when God created the earth.” And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Everything made by God is very good. So everything is good, then it must only be our awareness that makes anything seem that it is bad. If we change our awareness, then we become aware of everything being very good.
I’ll close the way my very favorite comedian (Red Skelton) RedSkelton.com good night and May god bless

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Law of attraction exercise

Oh I have an exercise to do too; this is to help you put the law of attraction to work for you.
You have to make three lists. If you have seen the movie the secret, or done much reading on the law of attraction, you should know that they say you need to do three things. Ask-believe-and receive. Well some people really don’t know what they want, so that’s where I start, not sure what you want? What about what you don’t want? You could probably put together a list there in short order huh? So get out some paper and start there. Go crazy; make it you’re a-1 gripe list. Get it all out of your system. (I have another fun part later that you’re going to like) now on your second list, turn all the things on your gripe list around into positive things that you do want. Example I don’t want to be broke all the time. Turned around “I like always having extra money all the time!” that’s the way I like to say it, some of the other formats are “I am so happy and grateful” Or “It would sure be nice” Or “It’s wonderful to” just use the words that strike a chord with you OK?
Now take the first list, your gripe list and destroy it. You don’t want to have this around to read and remind you of bad things, now that you have a start on your want list, (and you can feel free to add to this list whenever you want.) if you ever start to feel blue you want to read about good things to lift your mood. So sacrifice the gripe list, burn it under a full moon or something, be creative. And as you rid yourself of the gripes, imagine all your problems going away with it, because there aren’t really any problems, only decisions. Then read read read and reread your happy want list, see yourself with everything you want and desire, And do it often. Have fun with this list, prioritize it, alphabetize it if you like, make it a success journal, and add pictures if it helps too see what you want, use different color inks. Maybe make it into a scrapbook project. Just make it a really fun project that you like, and will keep working on and looking at, and enjoying it!
Now your third list, I said above that it's always good to be in an attitude of gratitude, so your third list will be to list all the things that you currently have in your life that you are thankful for. You might want to write a short paragraph on each item saying what it is, how it came into your life, and why it means so much to you. And include a sentence on how thankful you are to have it.
Well that’s it. The number one thing is to start enjoying what you do, remember to be thankful, and when you feel happy and thankful, by the law of attraction, the universe will bring more and more things for you to be happy and grateful for. Study it, and make it part of your life. And let me end this section with this old Irish blessing, what else would you expect from a man named Patrick.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again May God hold you In the palm of His hand.

To see the secret click on the link on this blog.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to be lucky, or at least luckier.

There are four rules to follow to have luck or to be lucky. They are as follows;

  • Rule #1 Optimize your luck opportunities!

I have two stories to share as an example of this rule.
The first is about a man who always complained that he never met any women. His life looked like this; he worked at an all male firm. His limited social life consisted of having a few friends, (guys from work) over to play video games on his new game console. Or to watch Monday night football and that was it!
Finally one of the guys at his work (I guess he got tired of his complaining) pointed this out to him, before you can meet any women, you have to Be where there are women. Long story short, he got out of his rut, joined a health club and an aerobics class, took some dance lessons, and started going to a dance club. And now he does all this with his new wife, Who he met at the aerobics class.

The second story involved a man who would start each and every day with a simple prayer: “Oh please God cut me a break and let me win the lottery!” for five years each and every morning he would go through the same routine, get up, stretch, kneel at his bedside and pray; “Oh please God cut me a break and let me win the lottery!” finally one morning just as he finished his prayer, the room lit up with a blazing light, the house shook, and a voice that seemed to come from everywhere but nowhere said “Would you cut me a break and buy a ticket?!!”

Simple lesson, to be lucky, you have to put yourself in a position to be lucky. Get out of your nice safe rut, expand your horizon, buy the ticket, take a chance now and then, and live.

  • rule # 2 Learn to follow your intuition.

The biggest story of chance that comes too mind is the night of March 30, 2005 when 110 people won the second place prize in the Powerball lottery. Depending on the bet, each winner raked in between $100,000 and $500,000 -- costing the lottery association nearly $19 million. Why? They all played the same numbers, numbers that they had gotten from a fortune cookie. Talk about a lucky hunch, for a whole bunch of people. But I hear that same story over and over, how many times have you heard the story of the little old woman walking through a casino, and finding a coin, dime nickel whatever, and dropping it into the slot machine near where she found it hit that jackpot too? Follow those Lucky hunches and learn to listen to your intuition.

  • Rule # 3 Expect to be lucky!

I think that this part is the law attraction at work. And it does work, what you think about you bring about. So if you go about thinking that you aren’t a very lucky person, that’s what you will attract into your life not being very lucky. But do you know someone who always says, I am very lucky I win things all the time, and can site off a list of the many times that it has happened? Besides I am of the opinion that it feels a whole lot better, and is a much healthier thinking and knowing that you are indeed a lucky person.

  • Rule # 4 Be grateful for all the good fortune that you have in your life!

This is the next step in the law of attraction. I like to say have an attitude of gratitude. When you’re thankful for what you do have in your life the universe seems inclined to bring you more things to be thankful for. And it ties into the second part of rule # 4, I guess I could have made it rule # 5 but I promised four rules and I’m sticking to it. BUT Learn to turn bad luck into good luck once again this is all about attitude, looking on the bright side of life. When life hands you a bag of lemons make lemonade. Be positive, and remember there is no such thing as failure, only differing results. Which brings me to the story of Thomas Edison: and his 10,000 experiments to make a working light bulb. At about attempt 8,000 something there was a small explosion in the Edison lab. As his assistant was cleaning up, Mr. Edison was busy making notes in his log. This kinda upset his aid who complained something about another failure. Mr. Edison promptly informed him that indeed this was not a failure, that they had just discovered how to produce a small explosion and that he had to document the steps leading to it as it may come in handy some day. Success is in the eyes of the beholder.